

Same day London and next day UK delivery available

Natural Selection


The best of the season. Natural Selection is a simple, chic arrangement of the most seasonal complementary flowers arranged together in a loose, natural, effortless bouquet. Like they were always together.

Complementary flower varieties that go hand in hand, grow together and help each other sing.

About our seasonal bouquets

We work with the rhythm of nature, so the flowers we select and pair for your made-to-order bouquet will vary week to week.

We will choose the best seasonal varieties on the day of your despatch to create a beautiful arrangement that honours the season. Here you can find a current menu of what flowers we have available this week.

This bouquet does not include a vase, although one can be added to your order if desired.

Delivery arrangements

  • We continue to deliver on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
  • Shipping is calculated at £1.50 per half mile from our studio at 62 Chatsworth Road, London E5 0LS.
  • For the time being, we are currently not able to offer timed delivery slots. All flowers will be delivered between 10 AM and 7 PM on your selected date.
  • If you’d like to avail of same day delivery, please place your order before 12:30PM. Otherwise, we deliver your flowers on the next available delivery date.
  • Click & collect is only available on Thursday to Sunday. We’ll make sure your flowers are ready between 10 AM and 4 PM at 62 Chatsworth Road, E5 0LS on your selected date.

Caring for your flowers

We made this handy guide on how to care for your flowers.

Want more inspiration?

We keep our Instagram up-to-date with seasonal blooms and our latest inspirations.


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